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Sabbath School
Sabbath School Nugget - Q1-2025
- Introduction to "God's Love and Justice"
- Lesson 1 - Sat.: God Loves Freely. & Sun.: Beyond Reasonable Expectations.
- Lesson 1 - Monday - Unrequited Love
- Lesson 1 - Tuesday - Love Freely Given
- Lesson 1 - Wednesday - Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen
- Lesson 1 - Thursday - Crucified for Us
- Lesson 1 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 2 - Sat.: Covenantal Love. & Sun.: The Everlasting Love of God.
- Lesson 2 - Thursday - You Have Freely Received, Freely Give
- Lesson 2 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 2 - Monday - Covenant Love
- Lesson 2 - Tuesday - Conditional Relationship
- Lesson 2 - Wednesday - Mercy Forfeited
- Lesson 3 - Sat.: To Be Pleasing To God. & Sun.: More Valuable Than You Can Imagine.
- Lesson 3 - Monday - Rejoicing With Gladness
- Lesson 3 - Tuesday - Pleasing God
- Lesson 3 - Wednesday - Living Stones
- Lesson 3 - Thursday - A Worthy Goal
- Lesson 3 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 4 - Sat.: God is Passionate and Compassionate. & Sun.: More Than A Mother's Love.
- Lesson 4 - Monday - Gut-Wrenching Love
- Lesson 4 - Tuesday - The Compassion of Jesus
- Lesson 4 - Wednesday - A Jealous God?
- Lesson 4 - Thursday - Compassion and Passionate
- Lesson 4 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 5 - Sat.: The Wrath of Divine Love. & Sun.: Grieved by Evil.
- Lesson 5 - Monday - God is Slow to Anger
- Lesson 5 - Tuesday - Righteous Indignation
- Lesson 5 - Wednesday - God Does Not Afflict Willingly
- Lesson 5 - Thursday - Show Compassion
- Lesson 5 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 6 - Sat.: God's Love and Justice. & Sun.: Love and Justice.
- Lesson 6 - Monday - God is Entirely Good and Righteous
- Lesson 6 - Tuesday - God's Changeless Character
- Lesson 6 - Wednesday - A Repenting God?
- Lesson 6 - Thursday - Hold Fast to Love and Justice
- Lesson 6 - Friday - Further Thought
Sabbath School Nugget - Q2-2024
- Introduction to "The Great Controversy"
- Lesson 1 - Sat.: The War Behind All Wars. & Sun.: War in Heaven.
- Lesson 1 - Monday - Lucifer Deceives; Christ Prevails.
- Lesson 1 - Tuesday - Planet Earth Becomes Involved
- Lesson 1 - Wednesday - Love Finds a Way
- Lesson 1 - Thursday - Our High Priest
- Lesson 1 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 2 - Sat.: The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness? & Sun.: A Broken Hearted Savior.
- Lesson 2 - Monday - Christians Providentially Preserved
- Lesson 2 - Tuesday - Faithful Amid Persecution
- Lesson 2 - Wednesday - Caring for the Community
- Lesson 2 - Thursday - A Legacy of Love
- Lesson 2 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 3 - Sat.: Light Shines in the Darkness. & Sun.: Compromise: Satan's Subtle Strategy
- Lesson 3 - Monday - Savage Wolves
- Lesson 3 - Tuesday - Safeguarded by the Word
- Lesson 3 - Wednesday - Human Reasoning Apart from Scripture
- Lesson 3 - Thursday - Battle for the Mind
- Lesson 3 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 4 - Sat.: Standing for the Truth. & Sun.: Persecuted yet Triumphant.
- Lesson 4 - Monday - Light Vanquishes the Darkness
- Lesson 4 - Tuesday - Courage to Stand
- Lesson 4 - Wednesday - The Morning Star of the Reformation
- Lesson 4 - Thursday - Cheered by Hope
- Lesson 4 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 5 - Sat.: Faith Against All Odds. & Sun.: God's Word Alone.
- Lesson 5 - Monday - Passing on God's Word
- Lesson 5 - Tuesday - Enlightened by the Spirit
- Lesson 5 - Wednesday - Christ Alone... Grace Alone
- Lesson 5 - Thursday - Obedience: the Fruit of Faith
- Lesson 5 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 6 - Sat.: The Two Witnesses. & Sun.: Two Witnesses.
- Lesson 6 - Monday - Prophetic Time Periods
- Lesson 6 - Wednesday - The Two Witnesses Resurrected
- Lesson 6 - Tuesday - The Two Witnesses Are Killed
- Lesson 6 - Thursday - Truth Triumphant
- Lesson 6 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 7 - Sat.: Motivated by Hope. & Sun.: The Promise of His Return.
- Lesson 7 - Monday - Anticipating the Time
- Lesson 7 - Tuesday - William Miller and the Bible
- Lesson 7 - Wednesday - The 2,300 Days of Daniel 8:14
- Lesson 7 - Thursday - The Longest Prophetic Time Line
- Lesson 7 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 8 - Sat.: Light From the Sanctuary. & Sun.: The Heavenly Sanctuary.
- Lesson 8 - Monday - In the Holy of Holies
- Lesson 8 - Tuesday - The Judgment Has Come
- Lesson 8 - Wednesday - The Good News of the Most Holy Place
- Lesson 8 - Thursday - Jesus, Our Advocate in the Judgment
- Lesson 8 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 9 - Sat.: The Foundation of God's Government. & Sun.: The Sanctuary and the Law.
- Lesson 9 - Monday - The Immutability of the Law
- Lesson 9 - Tuesday - The Sabbath and the Law
- Lesson 9 - Wednesday - The Mark of the Beast
- Lesson 9 - Thursday - The Three Angels' Messages
- Lesson 9 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 10 - Sat.: Spiritualism Exposed. & Sun.: The Deadly Consequences of Spiritualism.
- Lesson 10 - Monday - Death in the Old Testament
- Lesson 10 - Tuesday - Death in the New Testament
- Lesson 10 - Wednesday - Spiritualism in the Last Days
- Lesson 10 - Thursday - Spiritualism in the Last Days
- Lesson 10 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 11 - Sat.: The Impending Conflict. & Sun.: Revelation's Final Conflict.
- Lesson 11 - Monday - The Coming Crisis
- Lesson 11 - Tuesday - Identifying the Beast - Part 1
- Lesson 11 - Wednesday - Identifying the Beast - Part 2
- Lesson 11 - Thursday - The Beast from the Earth
- Lesson 11 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 12 - Sat.: Earth's Final Events. & Sun.: Loyalty to God and His Word.
- Lesson 12 - Monday - Sealed For Heaven
- Lesson 12 - Tuesday - Whom do we Worship?
- Lesson 12 - Wednesday - The Early and Latter Rain
- Lesson 12 - Thursday - The Loud Cry
- Lesson 12 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 13 - Sat.: The Triumph of God's Love. & Sun.: Hope in the time of Trouble.
- Lesson 13 - Monday - Hope in Jesus' Soon Return
- Lesson 13 - Tuesday - The Millennium on Earth
- Lesson 13 - Wednesday - The Judgment in the Millennium
- Lesson 13 - Thursday - Two Eternities
- Lesson 13 - Friday - Further Thought
Sabbath School Nugget - Q3-2024
- Introduction to the Book of Mark
- Lesson 1 - Monday - A Second Chance
- Lesson 1 - Tuesday - The Messenger
- Lesson 1 - Wednesday - Jesus' Baptism
- Lesson 1 - Thursday - The Gospel According to Jesus
- Lesson 1 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 1 - Sat.: The Beginning of the Gospel. & Sun.: The Failed Missionary.
- Lesson 2 - Sat.: A Day in the Ministry of Jesus. & Sun.: "Follow Me".
- Lesson 2 - Monday - An Unforgettable Worship Service
- Lesson 2 - Tuesday - More Sabbath Ministry
- Lesson 2 - Wednesday - The Secret of Jesus' Ministry
- Lesson 2 - Thursday - Can You Keep a Secret?
- Lesson 2 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 3 - Sat.: Controversies. & Sun.: Healing a Paralytic.
- Lesson 3 - Monday - Calling Levi and the Question of Fasting
- Lesson 3 - Tuesday - The Lord of the Sabbath
- Lesson 3 - Wednesday - Sandwich Story - Part 1
- Lesson 3 - Thursday - Sandwich Story - Part 2
- Lesson 3 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 4 - Sat.: Parables. & Sun.: The Parable of the Sower.
- Lesson 4 - Monday - Jesus' Interpretation
- Lesson 4 - Tuesday - The Reason for the Parables
- Lesson 4 - Wednesday - Lamp and Measuring Basket
- Lesson 4 - Thursday - Parables of Growing Seed
- Lesson 4 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 5 - Sat.: Miracles Around the Lake. & Sun.: Calming a Storm.
- Lesson 5 - Monday - Can You Hear a Whisper Above the Shout?
- Lesson 5 - Tuesday - On the Roller Coaster With Jesus
- Lesson 5 - Wednesday - Rejection and Reception
- Lesson 5 - Thursday - A Different Kind of Messiah
- Lesson 5 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 6 - Sat.: Inside Out. & Sun.: Human Traditions Versus God's Commands.
- Lesson 6 - Monday - Clean Hands or Clean Heart?
- Lesson 6 - Tuesday - Crumbs for the Dogs
- Lesson 6 - Wednesday - Tongue-tied
- Lesson 6 - Thursday - Watch Out for Bad Bread
- Lesson 6 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 7 - Sat.: Teaching Disciples - Part 1. & Sun.: Seeing Clearly.
- Lesson 7 - Monday - The Cost of Discipleship
- Lesson 7 - Tuesday - The Mountain and the Multitude
- Lesson 7 - Wednesday - Who is the Greatest?
- Lesson 7 - Thursday - The Healthy Man in Hell
- Lesson 7 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 8 - Sat.: Teaching Disciples - Part 2. & Sun.: God's Plan for Marriage.
- Lesson 8 - Monday - Jesus and Children
- Lesson 8 - Tuesday - The Best Investment
- Lesson 8 - Wednesday - Can You Drink My Cup?
- Lesson 8 - Thursday - What Do You Want Me To Do For You?
- Lesson 8 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 9 - Sat.: Jerusalem Controversies. & Sun.: The Triumphal Entry.
- Lesson 9 - Monday - A Cursed Tree and a Cleansed Temple
- Lesson 9 - Tuesday - Who Said You Could Do That?
- Lesson 9 - Wednesday - Earthly Duties and Heavenly Outcomes
- Lesson 9 - Thursday - The Greatest Commandment
- Lesson 9 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 10 - Sat.: The Last Days. & Sun.: The Little Coins in the Offering.
- Lesson 10 - Monday - Not One Stone on Another
- Lesson 10 - Tuesday - The Abomination of Desolation
- Lesson 10 - Wednesday - The Great Tribulation
- Lesson 10 - Thursday - The Coming of the Son of Man
- Lesson 10 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 11 - Sat.: Taken and Tried. & Sun.: Unforgettable.
- Lesson 11 - Monday - The Last Supper
- Lesson 11 - Tuesday - Gethsemane
- Lesson 11 - Wednesday - Leaving All to Flee From Jesus
- Lesson 11 - Thursday - Who Are You?
- Lesson 11 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 12 - Sat.: Tried And Crucified. & Sun.: "Are You the King of the Jews?"
- Lesson 12 - Monday - Hail, King of the Jews!
- Lesson 12 - Tuesday - The Crucifixion
- Lesson 12 - Wednesday - Forsaken by God
- Lesson 12 - Thursday - Laid to Rest
- Lesson 12 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 13 - Sat.: The Risen Lord. & Sun.: Rejoicing in the Resurrection.
- Lesson 13 - Monday - The Stone Was Rolled Away
- Lesson 13 - Tuesday - The Women at the Tomb
- Lesson 13 - Wednesday - Appearing to Mary and Others
- Lesson 13 - Thursday - Go Into All the World
- Lesson 13 - Friday - Further Thought
- Sabbath School Nugget - Q4-2024
Sabbath School Nugget - Q4-2024
- Lesson 1 - Sat.: Signs That Point the Way. & Sun.: The Wedding at Cana.
- Lesson 1 - Monday - The Second Sign in Galilee
- Lesson 1 - Tuesday - The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda
- Lesson 1 - Wednesday - Hard Hearts
- Lesson 1 - Thursday - Jesus' Claims
- Lesson 1 - Friday - Further Thought
- Themes in the Gospel of John - Introduction
- Lesson 2 - Sat.: Signs of Divinity. & Sun.: The Feeding of the Five Thousand.
- Lesson 2 - Monday - Surely, He is the Prophet
- Lesson 2 - Tuesday - The Healing of the Blind Man: Part 1
- Lesson 2 - Wednesday - The Healing of the Blind Man: Part 2
- Lesson 2 - Thursday - The Resurrection of Lazarus
- Lesson 2 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 3 - Sat.: The Backstory: The Prologue. & Sun.: In the Beginning - The Divine Logos.
- Lesson 3 - Monday - The Word Made Flesh
- Lesson 3 - Tuesday - Hearing or not Hearing the Word
- Lesson 3 - Wednesday - Reappearing Themes: Belief and Unbelief
- Lesson 3 - Thursday - Reappearing Theme: Glory
- Lesson 3 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 4 - Sat.: Witnesses of Christ as the Messiah. & Sun.: The Testimony of John the Bap
- Lesson 4 - Monday - The Lamb of God
- Lesson 4 - Tuesday - The Two Disciples of John
- Lesson 4 - Wednesday - Philip and Nathanael
- Lesson 4 - Thursday - The Witness of Nicodemus
- Lesson 4 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 5 - Sat.: The Testimony of the Samaritans. & Sun.: The Setting of the Encounter.
- Lesson 5 - Monday - The Woman at the Well
- Lesson 5 - Tuesday - " 'Sir, Give Me This Water' "
- Lesson 5 - Wednesday - The Revelation of Jesus
- Lesson 5 - Thursday - The Testimony of the Samaritans
- Lesson 5 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 6 - Sat.: More Testimonies About Jesus. & Sun.: Humility of Soul: John the Baptist
- Lesson 6 - Monday - A New Understanding of the Messiah
- Lesson 6 - Tuesday - Acceptance and Rejection
- Lesson 6 - Wednesday - The Witness of the Father
- Lesson 6 - Thursday - The Witness of the Crowd
- Lesson 6 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 7 - Sat.: Blessed Are Those Who Believe. & Sun.: Harking Back to Abraham.
- Lesson 7 - Monday - The Witness of Mary
- Lesson 7 - Tuesday - The Unwitting Witness of Pilate
- Lesson 7 - Wednesday - The Witness of Thomas
- Lesson 7 - Thursday - Our Witness of Jesus
- Lesson 7 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 8 - Sat.: Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies. & Sun.: Signs, Works, and Wonders.
- Lesson 8 - Monday - The Authoritative Role of Scripture
- Lesson 8 - Tuesday - Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus - Part 1
- Lesson 8 - Wednesday - Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus - Part 2
- Lesson 8 - Thursday - From Beneath
- Lesson 8 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 9 - Sat.: The Source of Life. & Sun.: In Him Was Life.
- Lesson 9 - Monday - The Words of Eternal Life
- Lesson 9 - Tuesday - Believing and New Birth
- Lesson 9 - Wednesday - Rejecting the Source of Life
- Lesson 9 - Thursday - Condemnation
- Lesson 9 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 10 - Sat.: The Way, the True, the Life. & Sun.: I Have Given You an Example.
- Lesson 10 - Monday - I Will Certainly Come Again
- Lesson 10 - Tuesday - I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
- Lesson 10 - Wednesday - I Am the Truth
- Lesson 10 - Thursday - The Scriptures and the Truth
- Lesson 10 - Friday - Further Thought
- lesson 11 - Sat.: The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. & Sun.: The Heavenly Father.
- Lesson 11 - Monday - Jesus and the Father
- Lesson 11 - Tuesday - Knowing the Son is Knowing the Father
- Lesson 11 - Wednesday - The Holy Spirit
- Lesson 11 - Thursday - The Prayer of Jesus
- Lesson 11 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 12 - Sat.: The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection. & Sun.: What is Truth?
- Lesson 12 - Monday - Behold the Lamb
- Lesson 12 - Tuesday - It Is Finished
- Lesson 12 - Wednesday - The Empty Tomb
- Lesson 12 - Thursday - Jesus and Mary
- Lesson 12 - Friday - Further Thought
- Lesson 13 - Sat.: Epilogue: Knowing Jesus and His Word. & Sun.: Meeting in Galilee.
- Lesson 13 - Monday - Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus
- Lesson 13 - Tuesday - Light and Darkness
- Lesson 13 - Wednesday - Theology From "Above" or From "Below"
- Lesson 13 - Thursday - Abiding in Jesus
- Lesson 13 - Friday - FURTHER THOUGHT
- Lesson 2 - Monday - Covenantal Love
Sabbath School Nugget - Q1-2025
Archived Video Sermons
- The Prodigal Son
- A Change of Identity
- Lessons from Ancient Laodicea
- Press On...
- Crazy Love
- The Just Shall Live By Faith
- Jesus, Our High Priest
- A Covenant Of Love
- Matthew's Party
- The Problem with Prayer
- You Are Not You When You Are Hungry
- Contract and Covenant
- God Understands
- Claim the Crumbs
- God Before The Beginning And After Creation: Intertrinitarian Relations
- Toward the Trinitarian Thinking in the Old Testament
- Broken and Shed
- The Trinity in the Protestant Reformation
- Issues in Adventist Pneumatology - Part 1
- It's All About Jesus
- To Be a Friend of Caesar or a Friend of Jesus
- Daniel 11
- Biblical Understanding of Authority, Unity, and Diversity
- Development of the Trinitarian Thinking in Adventism
- Consecrated for Life
- Click on this link to watch Seminars #6 to 9 (see titles below)
- The Christian Badge of Distinction
- For Every Action
- The Butterfly Effect
- The Flavour Of Your Faith
- Are You A Christian
- Meeting Place
- The Power Of Attitude
- Abuse Stops Here
- Thank Full
- What Do You Do?
- The Zode in the Road
- Imago Dei
- A Daring Rescue
- Tug of War
- Stuff Happens
- Preeminence
- Mission Possible 2019
- Because You Said So!
- Giving Up to Get Closer
- One Out Of Many
- The Race Ain't Over
- Turn Around - Pray With Fire
- Heaven Hears A Who
- Promo Video
- The Past, The Present, The Future
- Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?
- More Than Just A Book
- Covid-19 - Worship Service is Cancelled - March 14, 2020
- Upcoming Event
- Worship Service March 21st, 2020
- Faith Over Fear
- Belonging - Pastor Tamara Hyde-Mosher
- Religion and the End of the World
- Politics and the End of the World
- It's All About Jesus
- You Matter to God
- Follow Jesus
- Together We Can
- Be The Message
- You Can Make A Difference
- What Are You Living For?
- The Anchor Holds
- Come To The Table
- If I Could Build A Dad
- How To Persevere
- Encountering Jesus
- God Will Provide
- Can You Tame Your Tongue?
- Why Is There So Much Evil In The World?
- Do You Have A Tongue Problem?
- The Secret of the Fossil
- Other Media
Archived Video Sermons
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