The Pathfinder Club is a Seventh-day Adventist church-centered spiritual-recreational activity program designed for young people 10 to 15 years of age. The pathfinder club program is built around physical action, adventure, challenge, group activities, and provides opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team or community spirit and a sense of loyalty and respect for God, His Creation, and His church.

Useful Information

Patch Placement


Annual Registration 

Please click on the links below to register for the new club year.  All  3 forms (Registration, Medical, and Videography) must be completed.  Club fees ($60) can be paid by  e-transfer using the email  nepeantreasurer@adventistontario.org  (include this message "name  of child and pathfinder fees"), on-line giving (select pathfinder fees) or using a tithe envelope and placing it in the offering plate (on the outside of the envelope write "pathfinder fees, on the inside put the name of your child). 

Link: Registration

Link: Medical Form

Link: Videography